Thursday, September 11, 2014


Hello everyone, and welcome back to St. Wolstan's for the 2014-2015 school year. The Parents’ Association would like to congratulate all students who sat the State exams before the summer holidays, not only for the results achieved, but also for the tremendous effort each of you put in. We would also like to say a special “hello” to this year’s new students and their families: we hope you’re settling in well.
There are just a couple of notes to bring to your attention:
  1.  The Parent's Association would like to thank everyone who donated surplus items of school uniform for the Uniform Sales, held in Vincent's Charity Shop during the summer. Yet again, this was an extremely successful venture due to the support of our school community.
  2. There are a couple of places left on the upcoming CAD Drug Awareness course, beginning on the 17th Sept. If you are interested, please contact Lindsay Mahon (Chair, Parents Association) on 087 9435900 asap.
  3. The Parents' Association AGM will be held in the school on TUESDAY 21st OCTOBER at 7.30pm. Please come along and get involved.