The PA Committee is comprised of two members of school staff, currently Principal and one teacher, and parents who have kindly volunteered their time and their support towards the activities of the association. An executive Committee of Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and their respective assistants, are elected into office by the members. The AGM is held at the start of each school year. The PA Committee attend at scheduled meetings at the school during the school year.
At St Wolstan’s we have broken our committee into various working groups to progress our aims as follows:
Policies Group
This group has ongoing input into the Development, Review & Implementation of school policies in cooperation with the School Principal & the Board of Management.
Student Support Group
This group are responsible for promoting the interests of students in cooperation with Parents, Teachers, School Principal and the Board of Management. They are actively involved in areas such as ‘Non HSE Cervical Cancer Vaccine’; Parental involvement in ‘Sports Supervision’, ‘Homework Club’; Annual Books & Uniform days; etc
Information and Communications Group
Parents need good quality information about how the school works and about the education system. This group aims to supplement the information currently provided by the principal, board and teachers and to keep all parents informed of the activities of our Parents Association. They are particularly responsible for maintaining this blog and hope to issue a Parents Association Newsletter in the future.
Liaison Group
The Liaison group act as an interface between the Parents, Board of Management, Teachers, and Students. They represent the Parent Association on PACCS (Parents Associations of Community and Comprehensive Schools) and they are also responsible for organising and promoting the Parent Association AGM.
If you have a particular interest in any of the above areas and would like to assist, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please email us as