Parents' Association Constitution

St. Wolstan’s Community School Parents’ Association Constitution

1.                  Name

The body shall be called “St. Wolstan’s Community School Parents’ Association, hereafter referred to as “the Association”.

2.                  Objectives

The objectives of the Association are:

2.1              To provide a structure through which parents/guardians can support the school authorities and staff in providing a happy and secure learning environment in which all students of St. Wolstan’s Community School can attain their full potential, educationally, emotionally, morally and physically in accordance with the school’s mission statement.

2.2              To support the role of parents/guardians as the primary educators of their children, and to promote an effective partnership between home and school.

2.3              To support the interests and welfare of St. Wolstan’s Community School students.

2.4              To provide a forum for discussion and consultation on matters of common and/or topical interest to the parents/students/staff of the school.

2.5              To act as an advisory body, representing the views of parents/guardians on school policies and activities.

2.6              To assist the school management in the election of parents’ nominees to the Board of Management.

3.                  Membership

All parents/guardians of students attending the school are deemed to be members of the Association.

4.                  Parents’ Association Committee

4.1              The affairs of the Association shall be managed, in accordance with this Constitution by the Parents’ Association Committee, hereafter referred to as the Committee.

4.2              The Committee shall consist of members of the Association who are nominated and elected each October, at the Association’s Annual General Meeting. The term of office for each Committee is therefore one year.

4.3              A minimum of 12 Association members is necessary to constitute a Committee.

4.4              The School Principal, one other member of the teaching staff and both Parents’ Representatives on the Board of Management shall also be members of the Committee.

4.5              The Committee will appoint from amongst its members the following Officers –

Chairperson & Vice Chairperson

Secretary & Vice Secretary

Treasurer & Vice Treasurer, and any other Officer deemed necessary by the Committee.

(See Appendix A)

4.6              Each elected Committee Officer shall hold that position for one year. An individual may be eligible for re-election to the same or to a different Officer post but no individual shall hold the same office for longer than 3 consecutive years.

4.7             The Committee may invite to General meetings or to Committee meetings such persons as the Committee decides.

4.8              The Committee will not involve itself in representation on matters relating to individual students of St. Wolstan’s Community School. The Committee shall also recognise that matters concerning the School Curriculum and its implementation are the function of the School Authorities.

5.           Committee Meetings

5.1                The inaugural Committee meeting  of each academic year will take place on the first Tuesday after the Annual General Meeting.  Committee Officers shall be elected at the first Committee meeting of each school year.

5.2               There will be 6 scheduled Committee meetings during each school year. Additional meetings will be convened by the Chairperson when deemed necessary.

5.3             The quorum for a Committee meeting shall be 50% +1 of Committee members to a maximum of 10.

5.4            All Committee meetings will be chaired by the Chairperson or, in their absence, Vice Chairperson. In the absence of both, the Committee shall elect one of its members to chair the meeting.

5.5          Committee resolutions shall be passed by majority vote of those members present. The Chairperson of the meeting will have the casting vote.

6.         General Meetings

6.1       The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held no later than the 31st of October each year.

6.2       Notice shall be given to all Association members 10 working days in advance of the AGM.

6.3       The Chairperson will report to the Association members on the work of the Committee over the previous school year at the AGM. The Treasurer will present a financial report for the same period.

6.4       Nominations from Association members to serve on the Committee for the new school year will be requested, and accepted at the AGM. Nomination papers must be signed by the nominee to indicate their consent to join the Committee.

6.5       Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be called by the Committee when deemed desirable by the Committee. An EGM may also be called when a written request, signed by a minimum of 20 Association members are received by the Committee.

6.6       Notice shall be given to all members of the Association 10 working days in advance of an EGM. The resolution or business proposed for the EGM must be communicated to each member of the Association at least 7 days prior to the date of the meeting.

6.7       The quorum for a General Meeting (AGM or EGM) shall be 15 Association members.

6.8       A General Meeting shall be chaired as is a Committee meeting (see 5.5)

7.         Election of Parents’ Representatives to the Board of Management

The Committee shall organise a canvas of the Association for nominations for the election of two Parents’ Representatives to the Board of Management. The role of the Parents’ Representatives is to brief the Committee on the non-confidential areas of Board business relevant to parents/guardians, and also to provide the Board with a report on Association activities. Representatives are thus entitled to, and should wherever possible, attend Committee meetings. Elections will take place every 3 years and individuals elected to serve as Parents’ Representatives should remain members of the Association for the term of office of that Board i.e. they must be the parent/guardian of a student attending St. Wolstan’s Community School for a minimum of two of the three year term of office.

No individual should hold the position of Parent Representative on two consecutive Boards.

8.         Affiliations

The Association will remain independent but may affiliate to other bodies and organisations where this is deemed to be of benefit to the Association and St. Wolstan’s Community School.

9.         Fundraising

The Committee may only fundraise with the prior consent of the Board of Management. Any monies raised by the Committee, on behalf of the Association, should be lodged to the school account. Expenditure of such monies is by the Board of Management, in consultation with the Committee.

10.      Liaison with School Authorities

Liaison with the school authorities shall normally be maintained by the attendance of the Principal or Principal’s nominee, at the Committee meetings. The Committee may, however, should it consider it desirable and appropriate, correspond in writing or seek a meeting with the Board of Management.

11.       Official statements and Representations

No member of the Association other than the Chairperson, or other Committee member specifically nominated for this purpose, shall make any public statement or representation on behalf of the Association.

12.       Amendments to the Constitution

The Constitution of St. Wolstan’s Community School Parents Association should be reviewed by the Committee every 4 years.  Amendments may be presented at an AGM. A two-thirds majority of the Association members present at the AGM shall be required to carry an amendment to the Constitution.

13.       Winding Up

Winding up of the Association shall only be valid if accepted at a General Meeting convened for this purpose. In the event of the winding up of the Association any assets on hand will be presented to the Board of Management for school purposes.

Appendix A

Parents’ Association Committee: Officer Roles & Duties
1.                  Chairperson/Vice Chairperson

Calls meetings, prepares Agenda, chairs/manages meetings, organise action to follow decisions taken at meetings, signs minutes, liaise with school authorities on behalf of Committee. Represents Committee as required.

2.                  Secretary/Vice Secretary

Record main discussion points at each meeting and prepare as Minutes for subsequent meeting. Notify members of meetings and send out Minutes in advance of each meeting. Record attendance and read out any absentee apologies. Read out any correspondence received and liaise with Chairperson relating to correspondence required by meeting decisions.

3.                  Treasurer/Vice Treasurer

Responsible for all bank accounts kept in the name of St. Wolstan’s Parent Association.
Organise bank mandate with Chairperson, Treasurer and Vice-Treasurer as signatories, each October, after Officer elections. Pays any expenses arising on behalf of the Committee by cheque and ensures cheques are signed by two signatories. Records of all income and expenditure. Gives a financial statement at each Committee meeting and presents annual accounts at AGM.