Monday, May 5, 2014

Have YOUR say NOW - St.Wolstan’s Community School is aiming to become a Health Promoting School

Parents - please take our survey for Health Promoting Schools before 16th May. Here is the survey link:
The framework for Health Promoting Schools (HPS) has been developed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) with input from the Department of Education and Skills and is intended to support and guide the implementation of Health Promoting Schools at Post Primary level. 
The HPS is a whole–school approach to all aspects of health and well-being.  The ethos behind the HPS is to make schools a healthier place for all who learn, work or visit there through placing a special focus on health and well being.  It strives to build health into all aspects of life in school and the community. In a HPS, health is defined in its broadest sense and refers to social, emotional, mental, spiritual, cognitive and physical health.
St.Wolstan’s Community School will receive support from the local HSE Health Promotion and Improvement service throughout the initiative. A HPS co-ordinator has been appointed within the school and a HPS Team, including students, staff and parents has been established, to support, plan and develop the initiative. The first step towards developing an action plan, which would aid St Wolstan’s  become a Health Promoting School, involves identifying those “health areas” that the entire school community feel should be prioritised. Students and staff will be surveyed in-school, but we also need parents to have their say. To do so, please click on the link above and register your opinion before 16th MAY. Results of the survey will be shared in September.

Thank you for your help!