Following the results of the recent on-line Uniform Survey (94% of respondents were in favour of retaining a uniform) and Arnott’s decision to no longer stock the St. Wolstan’s school uniform after this school year, a sub-committee was established to source alternative, and if at all possible, local suppliers. To ensure continuity of supply, it is hoped that this matter will be concluded, and the school community informed of the new arrangements, before Easter.
It was agreed to re-run the HSE-sponsored Community Awareness of Drugs “Family Focus” course at the start of the next school year. Dates for the six-week course will be confirmed at the next meeting.
Ms. Barry’s report included details of
- De-Commissioning & Commissioning of Prefects
- Forthcoming review of school Anti-Bullying Policy
- School Inspections re Maths & History
- Information Nights for next year's Transition Years, 5th & 1st years
- Parent/Teacher meetings for current 5th & 1st years